Ress's Scrapbook

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Ress' Scrapbook, Page 1

Ress's Scrapbook (Sola Sum Series)

A collection of photos I took, stole, and begged for. Some of the photos were actually taken before I came into the scene, so not all of them are taken by me.

The ones not taken by me were taken by my best friend, Dawn.

This is Angel when he first came to LA. Doyle took it as proof that Angel can smile.

Angelus, Drusilla, and Spike. I have no idea how Dawn got this.

This is Willow and Angel at the pool hall. I think they were drunk.

This is Willow, shortly after she came to Houston.

This is Xander, Willow, and Giles. I said Xander looks kinda spaced out in this picture, then Angel said he always looks like that. Then Faith hit him.

This is Xander and Cordelia, back when they were dating.

Spike when he first arrived in Sunnydale. Again, no clue how Dawn got this.
This is Willow and Xander. Dawn took this ages ago.
This is Anya.
This is my sister, Faith.
This is Gunn.
Buffy and Dawn
This is Willow when we first got to LA.
This is Faith when she was seventeen or eighteen. It was before she left Houston.
Cordelia, Buffy, and Willow during their slumber party. Don't ask, I have no idea.
Faith again. She doesn't like having her picture taken much.